Over the years, the company Lampocar Srl- Raniero Forklifts has developed expertise in the development and production of special and custom trucks Based of specific needs of its customers they have been enabled to significantly expand its offering range:
- Versions with compact size, useful in confined spaces
- Versions with high tilt cylinders with different degrees of inclination
- Load centres of 600 mm, 900mm, 1200 mm and longer
- Version with special equipment
- Lowered version, perfectly suited to work in containers and in places with large height limits.
Customers that in the years have chosen Raniero belongs mainly to steel-related manufacturing sectors, to the mechanical, to the timber, to the paper, to the marble working, to the management of hazardous waste, to the logistics, to the recycling. These areas require the handling of heavy and bulky loads in autonomy and continuity on multishift, working sometimes in difficult weather conditions and in binding spaces. The need to ensure a working environment as comfortable and safe as possible, condition that is reached by machineries with zero emissions, limited noises pollution, easy accessible, wide visibility and easiness of guide for the operator.